Saturday, May 8, 2010

Quick Messages and Update

Well, I want to say, firstly, way to go to all the bloggers who were in the DR last week. The Blog For Hope campaign seemed to really go well. I'm very proud of all of you for what you do!

I'm sending out my thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by the flooding in Nashville. I was there only one time in my life, way back in 1993, with some friends. My first out of state road trip. Loved it. Praying for those who have lost so much, those who are missing, and every single person affected. I send you love.

Lastly, Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there. Remember, you don't have to be a blood relative to be a "Mom" or "Dad" to someone. I know that from firsthand experience. Maybe sometime I'll blog about that, but not tonight. I'm a little too tired to focus clearly. Enjoy your special day, moms! Be blessed.

I'll be working harder on getting this blog updated on a more regular basis. I love to write, but sometimes life gets in my way. Anyway, hope you are enjoying the content so far. If you'd like to follow me on twitter just look for @groovitude2007, and you can continue to find me here, as well.

I'd like to recommend to all of you. It's nice place to be reminded of the simple things in life that make you smile. I'm awaiting the book in the mail and I'll let you know what I think of it when I finish it. Speaking of books, I finally finished "hear no evil" by Matthew Paul Turner, and I loved it. Check it out if you haven't, people. You're missing out. I loved the music aspect and learned a lot about faith, too.

That's it for this time around. It's late and I need to get myself to bed so I feel good tomorrow. God Bless every single one of you. I appreciate you all reading my blog, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it. You all are special to me. Be safe, well, happy, content, and blessed.

Love and Friendship(and blessings, too),


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